by Meryl Enerson | Jul 27, 2017 | Interface Design, User Experience
Recently we redesigned the registration and checkout process for Web sales of GTM’s Household Tax and Payroll services. The focus was on re-engineering the process flows to improve completion rates. The overall look and feel of the pages in the process was also...
by Meryl Enerson | Feb 27, 2017 | Interface Design, Usability
Unless your application or website is very targeted to a specific technical skill level, it is a good idea to design for your least technical user. One way of looking at user groups is to break them down by how quickly they embrace (or are fearful of) technology. We...
by Meryl Enerson | Aug 16, 2016 | Interface Design, Tools & Resources, User Experience
What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is a term that has been around for several years. Attributed to Tim Brown, President of IDEO, it is a type of process for creating products and services that includes the following key steps: Define the problem. This is...
by Meryl Enerson | Aug 8, 2016 | Interface Design
What’s the Problem? An article from Nielsen Norman Group on hamburger icons that enumerated the problems in using hamburger menus and other potentially obscure (or hidden) forms of navigation. These include: users are less likely to use navigation when it is...
by Meryl Enerson | Jul 17, 2015 | Interface Design
In investigating approaches to responsive design, I came across some excellent ideas by bloggers on the topic. Two bloggers in particular stand out. They both analyze, albeit in different ways, the different ways in which you can approach design for multiple devices....
by Meryl Enerson | May 28, 2014 | Interface Design
You’ve just rolled out a new Website, but the results aren’t what you expected. You suspect you need to tweak and fine-tune the redesign. But how do you know when your Website redesign needs further fixes or refinements? And if it does need refinement, how...