Case Study: The Redesign of GTM’s Household Payroll Website
The Challenge
GTM Payroll Services needed an upgrade of its WordPress websites. This financial service provider delivers superior customer service and care to household and business employers. Their website for the household line of business did not reflect the quality of the organization.
Although the site was responsive, there were issues with the technical implementation (which used an older theme) they wanted to address, including cumbersome pull-down menus and an outdated look which was impacting their brand. After an in-depth analysis of their situation, and a competitive analysis, other issues became apparent in. These included duplication of content between the sites, which made maintenance difficult, and lack of content addressing certain audiences.
The Solution
Focusing primarily on the design of GTM’s Household Employer website, an Enervision team was put in place to work closely with the marketing department in a strategic site redesign.
We did a complete inventory of each Website, and came up with a strategy as to which content to keep, what to edit, and what needed to be created. We expanded the scope of the content, to address audiences beyond the primary Household Employer audience (Employers of nannies) – including employers of senior care workers and other household staff. A new creative approach introduced higher resolution imagery and custom graphics on the Household site, and upgraded the look on the Business site.
The Payoff: An Enhanced Online Brand and Easier Management
The initial result for GTM was a considerable upgrade to its online brand. With the new look and feel, and the improvements to the navigation, GTM was now offering a user experience that was more inline with what its customers were looking for.
Additionally, the new site information architecture made managing the sites easier. Providing WordPress training on the management of the pages and other elements meant that GTM staff could maintain certain elements themselves and keep the site’s content fresher.
As a follow-up to our initial redesign, we also GTM Household’s shopping cart – Read how this boosted overall Web sales more than 250%.
Months to Complete
Team Members
Total Web Pages
WordPress Installations
GTM Household Tax and Payroll
Improved Sales
The redesign of the shopping cart boosted sales more than 250% year-over-year and improved overall sales 15%
Improved Navigation
The navigation improvements on the current menu included changes on the marketing site that made it easier to find information (such as easier to read pull-down menus, and larger, more colorful buttons). Additionally, redesign of the Shopping Cart process yielded some dramatic differences: The click-through rate on the second page of the shopping cart (Account Setup) increased from 12% to 82% following our redesign.
Mobile Friendly
Mobile is a growing platform for accessing the GTM.com Household site. Fine-tuning the mobile experience helps ensure that GTM’s users can easily access the site from any kind of device.
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